How to invest in stock market - Beginner's Guide

Stock investing is much simpler and lower in cost than what most people believe. To start investing, one has to open an online brokerage account. From the online investment account, investor can start purchasing stock of companies that he or she has been eyeing for.

With, investor can start investing for the cost of a McDonald's cheeseburger, which is as low as a dollar (USD1). also provides virtual trading (demo account - put a link for signup), which allows beginners to understand the mechanism of trading, practice buying and selling stocks, using stock market simulators before investing real money. also make use of the latest technology, which is AI recommendation to give suggestions for investors on which stock to trade based on their personalities and risk profiles through simple psychological test.

Even if you are a beginner, worry not, you can easily find a growing stock community within and learn from more experienced investors through our social trading feature. Stock discussion will be greatly welcomed. Experienced traders will normally share their knowledge and up to date information on what's happening in financial world. If you happen to have questions on how to analyze profitable stocks, need recommendation on stocks, feel free to send messages to our live streamer in the text box.

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